
Tremur sufletesc

Publicat de CESImplu la 8:42 a.m. 0 comentarii

Lasa-ma sa-ti sorb si ultimele picaturi de iubire
Ce parca ma conduc spre renastere.
Totusi... nu ma asculta...
Voi deveni dependenta, iar prin mine va perinda doar speranta nevie.
Publicat de CESImplu la 8:39 a.m. 0 comentarii
                                        Oare ingerii se iubesc? Cum?
                                        Langa un gramofon vechi danseaza sufletele lor albe.


You Can't Miss Something You Never Had

Publicat de CESImplu la 10:47 a.m. 0 comentarii
"Once, long ago
A very wise person told me
That you can't miss something you never had.
I had told you wrong,
But you pursued on-
saying I was a fool.

You left me
To face the world alone.
And I went on,
Living off my tears
And breathing my sobs,
But I was too stubborn
To realize the truth in front of me.

I missed the feel of your lips on mine
Although you never kissed me
I missed the sound of your snores when you feel asleep
But I have never seen you asleep
I missed it when you wiped away my tears
Yet you have never comforted me
I missed feeling weightless when you swept me off my feet
Even though we never once embraced.

Once, you told me
That you can't miss something you never had
But ever since you've been gone
I've realized the truth:
I missed the love that we shared
Even though it didn't exist...
And that's the truth.
So why do I feel like I've had it all along?
You can't miss something you never had
Then why do I miss you?"

Julianna Marie Claire

Publicat de CESImplu la 10:39 a.m. 0 comentarii
                                     Creionul si-a tocit mina iar eu mi-am epuizat rabdarea.
Publicat de CESImplu la 10:26 a.m. 0 comentarii
Cand mi s-a adresat, am simtit cum mi-a ciobit respiratia.
Am stiut ca indelungul a doua minute vaporii tacerii ma vor venera.
Publicat de CESImplu la 10:14 a.m. 1 comentarii
Sufletul a inceput sa-si verse dezghetul iar inima cenusa.
M-ascund in gandul ploii de melancolie, scufundandu-mi temerile-n reusite.


Niciodata n-ar fi prea mult

Publicat de CESImplu la 1:16 p.m. 0 comentarii
As inota marea toata si m-as lupta cu valurile la nesfarsit...
As alerga toate aleile lumii si m-as lasa sugrumata de timpul ce parca nu mai vine...
As tipa pana plamanii mei s-ar sfarama de-atata dorinta...
As plange pana lacrimile obosite vor inceta sa-mi mai zgarie chipul...
As zbura tot universul zbuciumat pana aripile-mi vor fi sfasiate de vant...
As lupta cu toate fortele lumii daca as sti ca esti...

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